Checks every box: Sweat rowing, sculling, and imbalance
The goal of the SmartRow is to recreate, on land, the original rowing action and sensation.
Low impact workout that increases strength, endurance, and mobility.
To put it briefly: real rowing. Investing in a SmartRow is an investment in your well-being, your ability to perform on the boat, and your enjoyment of becoming in great shape. A SmartRow is, above all, an investment in oneself.
Both professional rowers and non-rowers may use it. The fundamentals of the original rowing action may be learned in a matter of minutes, and it is quite intuitive.
Owners of SmartRow make an investment in a full-body, time-efficient, strength-and-cardio training that is gentle on their joints and back. They invest in the enjoyment of rowing on a SmartRow and the time savings that come from having access to the original rowing motion training at any time.
Thomas, Jenning
Founder of SmartRow
According to a research by Ricardo Cardoso et al. (2024) at the University of Porto, the SmartRow needs greater in-boat rowing technique, allows for faster recovery times between sessions, and creates a considerably lower risk of injury due to muscular fatigue.
To put it briefly, the SmartRow is the superior rowing machine when considering both technique and health.